Traditional Crafts Postcard by Geertje Kapteijns for Kapitein Kalk
Traditional Crafts is an art post card print of chalk drawing art by Geertje Kapteijns. Geertje is a visual artist living in Dordrecht, Netherlands.
In Traditional Crafts, you can feel the relaxed busyness of tilling and planting, weaving and construction. You can hear the buzz of the hand saw on wood and the rustle of dried grass becoming a basket in a weaver’s hands. You can smell the fresh earth being turned over.
This is a nice card to have when teaching traditional crafts or even to use traditionally for correspondence. It’s also great for a harvest festival to remind us how the food began as hard work and seeds, as well as to honor all the traditional crafts often combined with harvest festivals, such as weaving. With its matte finish and rounded corners, it has a museum quality to it that feels elegant.
- Geertje Kapteijns
- Art Post cards
- Traditional Crafts
- 4.1 x 5.8 inches (10.5×14.8 cm)
- Made in the Netherlands
Harvest Festival celebrations in the Northern Hemisphere begin on August 1 and can continue into October and November in many locations.
In the Southern Hemisphere, they begin on February 1.
Traditional Crafts can be celebrated any time of the year, but are often brought into focus during harvest festivals, especially August, with the weaving of baskets, corn dollies and even dough weaving.
In our home, we often also use this time to build or repair winter bird feeders, squirrel feeders, deer feeders, and bat boxes.
When Geertje’s children went to a Waldorf school, she was introduced to the way in which the seasons and annual festivals are celebrated and how children are able to be children during childhood. This has proved to be a huge source of inspiration.
She started making chalkboard drawings and over time, she released them as cards. The cards are small works of art that encourage a conscious reflection on a certain time of the year or a certain event and the feeling that goes with that. Drawings that make you look forward to remembering a beautiful moment.
There is something magical about a chalkboard drawing. Because of the black background of a chalkboard, you not only apply color when you start drawing, but also the appearance of light.
Chalk as a material is vulnerable but also very flexible, you can make quick impressions with it, but you can also work with it in detail. The board drawings are transient, and eventually will be erased. However, this also creates space for a new drawing. Thankfully Geertje captured her drawings to share with us before they disappeared.