Knight’s Fee by Rosemary Sutcliff
Knight’s Fee is a children’s historical novel written by Rosemary Sutcliff, first published in 1960. It covers the medieval period 1094–1106, some 30–40 years after the Norman conquest of England in 1066.
This work has been selected by scholars as being so culturally important and part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it, that it has been preserved with other works in the highest esteem for telling the history that has happened on this planet.
This book is a highly recommended novel for children when studying medieval history. Please note that the cover image varies and may not be the same as the cover depicted above.
Out of sight of the patrolling sentinels, Randal sits on the gatehouse roof. The orphan is more at home with the hounds he tends, but he yearns to see the new Lord arrive at Arundel Castle.
As he leans over the battlements to watch the procession, a fig slips from Randal’s hand and lands right on the nose of Hugh Goch’s horse. The accident is small, but it will change Randal’s entire life.
A game of chess, a brave minstrel, a kind old knight, and a friend will point Randal to squirehood, and his own courage will pave his path to becoming a knight. Battle between the sons of William the Conqueror makes Randal’s journey in Norman England an exciting one, but intrigue and deceit may take from Randal a heavy knight’s fee.
Against the turbulent backdrop of Norman England, Sutcliff tells the moving story of a young boy who is wagered and won in a game of chess between a lord and a minstrel in such accurate, historical detail of life as it was then, that this book has been preserved as one of the works that represent the history on our planet.
This a great add on novel for Waldorf students during class 6 and above.
*NOTE: Cover design may vary
- Knight’s Fee
- Written by Rosemary Sutcliff
- Published by Hassell Street Creek
- Ages 10 to 14 years; Waldorf Class 6
- 0.54″ H x 9.21″ L x 6.14″ W (0.8 lbs) 256 pages
- Softcover/Paperback
- Cover may vary from this one
- Ships from publisher within 4 business days